ACH Send Money Setup - Copy Template
Edit template and detail account information and click ''Save changes'' or return to ACH Send Money Setup - View Template Details.
Template changes will affect scheduled requests that are based on the template. Once a request is in Transmit status, it is no longer impacted by changes to the template used to create it.
For information about your limits, view Personal Limits.
Template being copied: Metro Screen
Template Information

Template name:
Request type: IAT Payment
Company name/ID:
Template description:
(Information that will be given to the transaction’s recipients, e.g. Payroll, Gas Bill.)
Debit account:
Destination country:
Destination currency:
Maximum transfer amount: $
(Per detail account)
IAT Payment

These are the detail accounts which will receive the recorded amount when a payment request is transmitted. To add detail account information from external files, click "Import details."
Default payment amount(optional): $  
Transaction type code:
Bank ID type:
Bank ID:
Bank name:
Bank branch country code:
Recipient company name:
Recipient account:
Recipient account type:
Recipient identification number:
Recipient street address:
Recipient city:
Recipient state/province:
Recipient country:
Recipient postal code:
Payment initiator name:
Payment initiator street address:
Payment initiator city:
Payment initiator state:
Payment initiator country:
Payment initiator postal code:
Additional information for recipient (optional):