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Template Information

Template name: Weekly Pay Template
Request type: PPD Payment
Company name/ID: Prestige Design / 007619340
Template description: Pay
Debit account: *4512 - PRESTIGE PAYROLL ACCOUNT
Effective date:
Credit/Destination Accounts

666666668 *7123 Checking Henry Black 1565 $1,500.00
999999992 *4876 Checking John Brown 3485 $1,000.00
777777776 *6654 Savings Linda Gray 4532 $1,250.00
888888884 *5345 Checking Mary Green 9856 $750.00
555555550 *4789 Savings Rick White 6852 $500.00
        Total: $5,000.00
Approval History Information

Approval status: 0 of 1 received - Ready to transmit
Action User ID Date Time
Enter Request ADMIN 09:42:27 AM (ET)