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Template Information Delete request

Template name: ABCCorp STP820
Request type: STP 820 Payment
Company name/ID: Prestige Design / 007619340
Template description: Transfer
Effective date:

Receiving company name: ABCCorp
ABA/TRC: 444444442
Account number: 65432199
Account type: Checking
Detail ID (optional): 62194
Payer's account number at receiving company: 23456712
Total amount to this payee: $ 2,500.00
Total number of payment to this payee: 1
STP 820 Payment
Payment type: Accounts Receivable Open Item
Payment reference number: ABC5312
Invoice / PO / Accounts Receivable date:
Reference ID code: Accounts Receivable Open Item
Reference ID number: ABC203
Reference description: AR 23814
Invoice gross amount: $ 2,650.00
Amount paid: $ 2,500.00
Discount amount: $ 150.00
Adjustment amount: $ 0.00
Adjustment reaason:  
Description for adjustment:  
Transaction Summary

Total payments: 1
Total amount: $ 2,500.00
Approval History Information

Approval status: 0 of 1 received
Action User ID Date Time
Enter Request ADMIN 09:37:12 AM (ET)